The “JungChemikerForum” (JCF) is the youth organization of the German Chemical Society (GDCh e. V.). Our young chemists are either students or young professionals with special memberchip conditions within the GDCh. The JCF consists of approx. 10,000 members forming almost one third of the entire society and is continuously growing since its foundation in 1997. Our organization is divided into local groups (currently 53) of young chemists all over Germany, which offer and host lots of activities in their regions. The JCF is widely spread and represented at German universities, as you can see on our interactive Germany map. In addition to the local events, there are also nationwide activities like job fairs, lecture tours, workshops, national meetings and our main event: the “Frühjahrssymposium” (Spring Symposium). Our local groups are independently planning and executing their events with their own funding. Therefore, you will find a wide variety of events, reflecting all ideas and needs of our members. In addition to these individual local groups, each with its own board, there are five elected national board members who represent the JCF within the GDCh, internally and as external communicators .
Our main challenge is building a connection between universities, schools, industries and the public. We also promote our members with advice for a career in academia, industry or special fields. Students are invited make their first experiences in science communication as participatants of our Spring Symposium every year. Freshmen, Bachelor-, Master-, PhD-students as well as young professionals contribute with oral or poster presentations in a warm and fruitful atmosphere.
The JCF is a platform to connect young members of the GDCh not only with each other but also with young scientists from all over the world; building a strong and lively scientific network. Our regular exchange program with the American Chemical Society, in which young German and American Chemists visit each other's country and participate in conferences like the Spring Symposium and the ACS national meeting, is a fruitful example for our international activities. The participants of our spring symposium come from all over Europe and provide a platform to network, and at the Nobel laureate conference, to which students from around the world travel to Lindau, the JCF was also represented with a delegation.
The JCF subsists on volunteering young chemists, who want to strengthen and advance our network beside their studies or PhD. New challenges and opportunities will prepare them for their ongoing way in the inspiring field of chemistry.
If you have some questions, feel free to contact us: