On February 18th 2021 Emiel Dobbelaar presented the results of JCFs Sustainability Team at the launch event of the "Chemicals & Waste" group of the United Nations Environment Program Major Group for Children and Youth (UNEP MGCY). The online event was organized as a 90 minute Session within the Youth Environment Assembly (YEA) as part of the 5th United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA). It was an inspiring session with lots of highly engaged individuals speaking up about how they want to help make chemistry and the world more sustainable and enhance the dialogue between politics and science. More details about the event and YEA can be found here: https://enb.iisd.org/events/youth-environment-assembly-yea/highlights-and-images-main-proceedings-18-february-2021
Download: Presentation Emiel Dobbelaar
UNEP report to Youth Environment Assembly: https://www.unep.org/news-and-stories/story/young-people-call-urgent-climate-action-un-environment-assembly