To stay in contact with the JCF base, Katharina and I participated in the 3th JCF retreat in Jena. Together with the JCF board and members of our taskforce, we hosted a workshop with the topic ‘Elected! And now what?’, during which we were eager to hear your opinions on different topics. Some of these included; the election of the GDCh board, our assignments on the GDCh board and new communication strategies for our work on the GDCh board.

We began with a summary of the election and discussed how we could further improve our campaign (trailer, merchandise, competitions…). Also, we gathered some ideas for one of our main topics: The integration of JCF members in the various specialties.

As a result of the discussion “How could we improve our communication with you?” we decided to start this blog. Herein we will inform you about ongoing topics in the GDCh board and we hope that this way, we can improve transparency.


All in all we had a beautiful and productive weekend in Jena, where we still maintain the “network”. Thanks to JCF Jena for the organization and thanks to all participants!